Execution time: from 30 minutes
Make an order
Required documents: Documents certifying your identity, Original document, a copy of which you are going to certify
Please note:

The owner of the document, the copy of which is certified, should not necessarily be present.

If the document consists of several sheets, they should be numbered, bound and sealed.

You can not certify copies of all the documents.

In our everyday life, we often need to receive a notarised copy of a document, especially when the same document is required by several authorities. In such a situation, it will be very helpful to have notarised copies of documents. Notaries may certify copies of documents issued both by legal entities and natural persons, provided that these documents are in line with the laws and have legal force.

To execute a copy, a document must be in a proper state and contain respective essential details, such as the name of the organisation that issued the document, the number and date of its issuance; if necessary, a document must be executed on the established standard form. A document must be signed by an authorised person and contain a respective seal (if any).

A notary may also certify a copy of a document issued by a natural person, in case the authenticity of the natural person’s signature is certified by a notary, at the entity where this person is employed, trained, lives or receives medical treatment.

However, a notary may not certify copies of documents written with a pencil, containing erasures, improperly executed corrections, crossed-out words. A document must have a readable text, a distinct impression of a seal (if any). If a document is executed in several pages, they must be stitched together, numbered and duly sealed.

A copy may only be notarised if a notary has seen the original document, checked its authenticity, correctness of its execution, presence of all required essential details, compared it with its copy or made a copy himself/herself by using respective office equipment. Only after all these conditions are met, a notary may certify that the copy is a true copy of the original document; a copy shall be made as close to the original document as possible, which means that if a document is stitched together, its notarised copy must also be stitched, sealed and signed by the notary.

In fine, there must be a notary’s statement of certification which confirms that the copy is a true copy of the original document; all this must be sealed and signed by the notary.

The number of notarized copies of one document can be unlimited.



What does a notarized copy of a passport look like?

A prerequisite for rendering notarial service is the provision of the original passport. The notary authenticates the document, the presence of all details, and then he/she personally makes a copy of a document. All pages of the copy are bounded, certified to be a true and correct copy, and notarial writ of execution is put at the end of the document, and then it is signed and sealed.

How can I make a notarized copy?

Copies shall be certified by the notaries. Be sure to have the original document with you. The notary makes a copy of a document and then authenticates the document with “True copy” inscription and notarial writ of execution.

How long is a notarized copy valid?

After notarization, the copy acquires the legal force. Therefore, the copy is valid for the same period as the original document. There are no other restrictions. You can make several notarized copies in one visit to the notary, and use them at different times.





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• 7/1 Malopidvalna St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Maidan Nezalezhnosti Underground Station

• 647 Saint Vincent, Irvine, CA 92618, USA


Monday – Saturday
Online: 24/7
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